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Usage: titrate <options> <files>

-h, --help View titrate usage information
-v, --version View titrate version
-f, --files <comma,seperated,list> Paths that match the files that are going to be benchmarked
-r, --reporter [clean] Specify the reporter to use (markdown, clean, csv, plain, json)

Titrate (0.0.0)

Writing Async Benchmarks

Though suites/benches are executed serially, the benches themselves can be asynchronous. Furthermore, suites ran with the titrate command line runner have a number of globals to simplify bench definitions. Take the following code, for example:

suite("Make Tea", function () {
var tea = new CupOfTea("green");

bench("boil water", function (next) {
tea.boil("85℃", function (err, h20) {
// perfect temperature!

// add tea, pour, ...
bench("sip tea", function () {

Async vs. Sync

Since boiling water takes time, a next function was provided to each iteration in our bench to be called when the async function completes. Since the consumption of tea provides instant gratification, no next needed to be provided, even though we still wish to measure it.


Arbitrary functions may be specified for setup or teardown for each suite by using the before and after keywords. These function may be sync or async.

suite("DB", function () {
before(function (next) {
db.connect("localhost:9090", next);

bench(function (next) {
// ...

after(function () {

Setting Options

As not all code is equal, we need a way to change the running conditions for our benches. Options can currently be changed for any given suite, and will be retained for any nested suites or benches of that suite.

To set an option:

suite("Make Tea", function () {
set("iterations", 10000);
set("type", "static");
// ...

Here are all available options and the default values:

set("iterations", 100); // the number of times to run a given bench
set("concurrency", 1); // the number of how many times a given bench is run concurrently
set("type", "adaptive"); // or 'static' (see below)
set("mintime", 500); // when adaptive, the minimum time in ms a bench should run
set("delay", 100); // time in ms between each bench
Static vs Adaptive

There are two modes for running your benches: 'static' and 'adaptive'. Static mode will run exactly the set number of iterations. Adaptive will run the set iterations, then if a minimal time elapsed has not passed, will run more another set of iterations, then check again (and repeat) until the requirement has been satisfied.

Running Benchmarks

Running of your benchmarks is provided through ./bin/titrate. The recommended approach is to add a devDependancy in your package.json and then add a line to a Makefile or build tool. The titrate bin will accept a list of files to load or will look in the current working directory for a folder named benchmark and load all files.

tirate --files=suite1.js,suite2.js


  -h, --help                           View titrate usage information
-v, --version View titrate version
-f, --files <comma,seperated,list> Paths that match the files that are going to be benchmarked
-r, --reporter [clean] Specify the reporter to use (markdown, clean, csv, plain, json)

-r, --reporter <name>

The --reporter option allows you to specify the reporter that will be used, defaulting to "clean".


We have provided helpers to setup your suite and files via imports to provide typing information and help debugging. (This was a change from the bdd originally offered).

import { suite, bench, set } from "titrate";

suite("suite name", function () {
set("iterations", 10);

bench("bench name", function (done) {


Suite skipping (This will skip all contents of the suite.)
import { suite, bench, set } from "titrate";

suite.skip("suite name", function () {
set("iterations", 10);

bench("bench name", function (done) {
Bench skipping (This will only skip the bench that skip is applied to.)
import { suite, bench, set } from "titrate";

suite("suite name", function () {
set("iterations", 10);

bench.skip("bench name", function (done) {


  • json (outputs information in json format)
  • clean (Good-looking default reporter with colors on the terminal screen)
  • plain (Similar to clean reporter but without colors and other ANSI sequences.)
  • csv (Completely different, create csv formated rows for later processing.)
  • markdown (Creates markdown output)